Thursday, June 5, 2008
Senator McCain Comments
“The 2013 date is not a timetable it is victory”
According to Glen Johnson, an AP writer, Senator McCain offered some unusual comments on May 15th about the world as he sees it. After reading what he said I would like to review some of his points.
In a Columbus, Ohio speech, the Senator indicated that by 2013 Osama Bin Laden will be dead or captured, Americans will have a choice of paying a Flat Tax, most servicemen and women will be back home, the Iraq war will have been won and the Iraqi government will be running Iraq. He qualified his comments by also saying “The 2013 date is not a timetable it is victory” and McCain went on to say, “I didn’t know when we were going to win WWII, I just knew we were going to win.”
This is a very interesting mix of comments by the Senator. Maybe we will have a flat tax by 2013---I hope it is not 60% of our earnings. If the war has been won and our troops are home that would be very good---but it is a long time from now. And Iraq will be run by the Iraqi government---I say it is about time.
OK, let’s say Osama is out of the way---natural causes or killed in a firefight---will it matter? He will go through some martyr recognition process by his followers---but how many are there? And if CNN and Fox give the demonstrations and funeral very little attention his passing will probably not be too significant---at least not as significant as the money we spent and the soldiers killed while looking for this mythic character.
By the way, how are you going to get the Congress to go along with this idea?
Flat tax you say---and just how does that fit into the rest of the conversation---I don’t know. Oh well, who cares----give me a flat tax Senator but let me review it before you impose it because it must be fair and the guys pulling in millions each month need to be flat taxed like all the rest of us lemmings---and no loop holes allowed. By the way, how are you going to get the Congress to go along with this idea? They are beholden to corporate America and their Washington jobs and support money often comes as a result of the tax breaks they legislate for the big boys?
Soldiers back home and the war won by 2013. That is a strange leap of faith---what happened during those intervening years---did you nuke the terrorists? Did you put the draft back into effect? How many of our folks were killed and how much more cash and political clout did we give up? During the time between now and 2013, did the Chinese economy pass ours up, did the dollar continue to decline, did gasoline go to $15.00 per gallon, did the world come to attention and give us one ounce of recognition and congratulations for our victory? Oh well, who cares; after all, we won. And the Iraqi mafia takes charge in Iraq---we deserve congratulations for that one also.
Can you say Pyrrhic?
How did you divine the year 2013?
How did you divine the year 2013? And you always knew we would win WWII but not exactly when--that is interesting.
Sir, it might have been possible to calculate the demise of the Nazi, Imperial Japanese and the Fascist Italian regime of WWII based on the decline of their industrial base. It was probably directly proportional to their war fighting capability. But to measure the potential for continued terrorist activities is a much more difficult metric to compute. So how exactly did you calculate the year of the end in Iraq as being 2013?
Have you heard about the drug cartels of Mexico?
Can you agree with me that terrorism is much bigger then Osama, Afghanistan, Iraq and the Middle East? If you do agree, Senator, please take a broader look at terrorism because it is at our front door in another form and 2013 is irrelevant. Have you heard about the drug cartels of Mexico?
Somewhere between 2,500 and 5,000 people have been killed in Mexico in the recent past. Cartel members, police, military and innocent civilians have been wiped out in the ongoing battle over drugs. And the cartel terrorists recently murdered the equivalent of the Mexican Director of the FBI. That is terrorism in action and my crystal ball says without our assistance in Mexico and with the continued demand for drugs in the USA, it is possible that these terrorists will topple the State of Mexico and penetrate up into Houston, San Diego, San Antonio, Tucson and Los Angeles.
I would be happy to send you my crystal ball so you can take a look at what I am seeing. In the meantime the terrorists are knocking on our southern door while millions of Americans continue to smoke crack.